
★NZ Movie Director:Andrew Adamson ★

I'm going to write about Andrew Adamson.

He is famous for film director. He made "SHREK" , it was released in 2001 and it was great hit. Then he received The Animation Feature Film Academy Award. The second SHREK was released in 2004. Then he was a film director and playwright.

Have you ever seen The Chronicles of Narnia? For example "Lion and with" and "Caspian Prince". In those days, people said "Narnia can not become a movie!! But these movies are become movies by Andrew Adamson.

He maked a large contribution to muvie, so he received The NZ Order of Merrit.


★Film's history ★

The first film was screened on Octover 13 in 1896 at the Opera House in Auckland. The first color film was screned on Christmas Eve in 1911. The first directore in New Zealand was Alfred Whitehouse, who made ten films between 1898 and the middle 1900. The older existance film in New Zealand is Whitehouse's 「The Departure of the Second Contingent for the Boer War」(1900)

The first ferture film made in New Zealand is probably 「Hinemoa」 It released on August 17 in 1914 at the Lyric Theater in Aukland.