“Ima Ainiyukimasu” It that mean I'll see you soon. This movie released in 2004. This dorama was remade. Thenme song is 「キズナ」(ORANGE RANGE) Don't you know? They sang theme song of movie too.(HANA) They are from Okinawa.
Introduce about main cast. AKIO TAKUMI:Narimiya Hiroki. ( I like him!! He is so cool and fashionable. He appear on television and movie. For example “Innosent Love” 10/20 start. This is famous as Monday PM9=Getuku. “ドロップ” release in 2009. This is movie. His parent divorced when he was child. And his mother died, so he lives with young brother. Surprisingly, he was paying his young brother's school expenses. He loves his family. ) AKIO MIO:Mimura.
Story: Mio read her diary. It's she wrote long time ago. She realized that happen to her. It's when rain season finished, she have to leave from there and family. This is her fate. She tell Tkumi about her fate. He said "Don't distress yourself alone" When it comes to feelling the love and heart movie warming, "Ima Ainiyukimasu" is best!!
5 件のコメント:
I think you love Hiroki:)
I'm hoping you meet him (゜∀゜)(゜∀゜)(゜∀゜)
I watched this movie. I was moved me by this movie. And I know the song (HANA). I love Ryo.(´3`)!
woah i like him too :)
i think i should watch it !
From this article, I could know how muchi you like Narimiya Hiroki! hehe
I want to watch the TV drama "innocent love".I hope you enjoy this dorama too!